OiER strengthens the activities in South America and works together with Brazilian cities network

OiER strengthens the activities in South America and works together with Brazilian cities network

OiER cooperates with the Brazilian cities network "RedeBrasileiraa de cidades inteligentes e humanas" to support cities in Brazil and South America. Moreover, cities will get access to the investment marketplace to get in touch with local and international solution providers as well as financiers to implement urban projects.

The Brazilian Network of Intelligent and Humanities was created in 2013 within the National Front of Mayors - which brings together the 350 largest Brazilian cities - and brings together secretaries and municipal officials of science, technology and innovation, as well as municipal secretaries of economic development .
In order to create a common concept and with Brazilian characteristics on the subject, the network also gathered universities and private sector sectors to write a document entitled "Brazil 2030: Intelligent and Human Cities", which has guided the actions throughout the country. From this document, the partner institutions of the academic sector and the private sector became part of the Network.
The concept of Intelligent and Human Cities that the Network works on is:
"Intelligent and Human Cities are those that are equipped with an interoperable technological infrastructure, necessary to connect all existing hardware, software and applications in a way that will turn into a platform that works as a node that connects all other platforms, allowing the city to integrate all the data and information generated, to have an open and transparent management information system, in a way that the technology can support the improvement of people's quality of life, always with their participation in a co-creative process with the public power ".

The objective of this cooperation is to provide a framework for partners to develop and undertake collaborative activities and projects specifically in the framework of the UNITED SMART CITIES (USC) program as well as smart and sustainable city innovation, eco-system and city data related activities.

The initiative invites cities to join the program and develop Smart City projects. Be part of it - register here: http://www.unitedsmartcities.org/city-of-the-week/registration/